grow network
Besides providing growth, we are delighted to see others helping people grow hence we’re constantly looking for new sources of inspiration – be it art works, literature, training and development opportunity or a creative venue.
We enjoy spreading growth around this is why we have decided to dedicate special page to the projects that we really value and that you might find helpful for your growth as well.
We will share information and links to that wonderful opportunities here and will constantly update the page with our new findings.
We will be glad if you also share with us your favorite growth project, companies, services, places that are not included in our list but definitely worth to be showcased.
Thank you!
projects that foster development and growth
projects that help community grow
promising start ups
art projects that enrich your spiritual self
projects that spread beauty around
2grow blog
As much as we are passionate about helping others grow, we are passionate about our own learning, development and growth.
Since the time we officially registered our company we have decided to run our own diary of our learning journey and to share some of our thoughts, ideas, questions and insights that usually stays behind the stage-some conversations that we have in the « kitchen» while «cooking» our programs.
We invite you to join us in our reflection journey by discussing some of the topics with your friends, debating with us or just by reading it to yourself and make your own conclusions.
Welcome 2grow blog and facebook page.
If you would like to be constantly receiving information on more growth opportunities share your contact e-mail with us.